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How Often Can I Fertilize My Lawn

How To Aerate Your Lawn

How Often Should I Fertilize The Lawn – Quick Tips

Lawn aeration encourages deep roots, resulting in a healthy lawn. Learn how to give your grass a breath of fresh air with these aerating tips.

If you plan to aerate your lawn, follow up that task with fertilizing. Lawns benefit from soil aeration, which creates literal holes in soil and exposes the root zone of grass plants. These holes allow water, fertilizer and air direct access to grass roots. For the best aeration, use a core aerator that pulls actual plugs of soil from the lawn . If you rent this machine, know that its heavy and requires a strong pair of arms to handle it. Many riding mowers also have core aerator attachments. In small grassy areas, plunging a digging fork into soil accomplishes the task quickly and inexpensively. Aerate whenever the thatch layer is more than one-half-inch thick.

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What Month Should I Fertilize Lawn

Timing: Apply early spring lawn fertilizer once between February and April, when your grass is starting to green up and begin to actively grow .

Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium take time to absorb into your soil Doing anything too drastic on your lawn, such as cutting your grass, will disrupt this process We always suggest to our clients that they wait 24 to 48 hours before mowing their lawn after fertilization.

How Soon Can I Fertilize A Lawn After Already Fertilizing

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A well-kept lawn adds greatly to the charm and beauty of a garden. While being attractive on its own, a well-kept lawn is also the perfect setting for shrubs, ornamental plants, flowers and other garden features. Fertilizing the grass regularly helps to maintain dense, lush growth, and a monthly dose of a 10-5-10 fertilizer is ideal during active summer growth. However, the type of fertilizer you use and the season can determine how often you need to feed the lawn.

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Identify Your Lawn Grass

There is a multitude of grass varieties. You should know how to grow grass for lawn. Among all of them, you can find the major two types of lawn grass are grown in any region. These are-

Cool-season grasses

cool-season grass

These types of grasses are mainly grown well in low temperatures that means grow rapidly in early spring and early fall. If the temperature is high and the availability of water is low, these grasses may remain dormant. Major types of cool-season grasses are Bentgrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Red Fescue, Annual, and Perennial Ryegrass, etc.

Best lawn fertilizer for early spring or cool-season grasses

You can get a good result by choosing the best lawn fertilizer for early spring. Commercial fertilizer can supply many of the nutrients for your lawn grass but among all of them, 3 are more crucial for your lawn grass. They are N , P , and K . You can use different kinds of combinations of these nutrients.

You are suggested to use 25-0-10 ratios of N-P-K fertilizer. Here 25-0-10 indicates the percentage of N-P-K. You can also use 15-5-10 or 20-5-10 ratios of N-P-K for your lawn in spring and fall.

Warm-season grasses

These types of grasses are tropical and grown well in warm temperatures that means these grasses grow well in mid-summer. These grasses are tough enough and become denser over time. Major types of warm-season grasses are Bermuda grass, Centipede grass, Kikuyu grass, and Zoysia grass.

Best lawn fertilizer for summer or warm-season grasses

What Is The Best Lawn Fertilizer For Early Spring

Expert Gardener 15,000 Square Feet Lawn Fertilizer, 29

A longer-lasting fertilizer is typically healthier for your lawn in the spring, since it requires fewer applications. Nitrogen is the most important nutrient, but keep in mind that there are fast-release and controlled-release nitrogen sources. To check what the fertilizer contains, just look in the guaranteed analysis section on the back of the bag. Key terms to look for include controlled-release, slow-release, slowly-available, or water-insoluble nitrogen. Some specific types that may be listed include ureaform, sulfur-coated urea, polymer-coated urea, and IBDU . Several organic nitrogen sources are controlled-release if you prefer a more natural, less artificial choice. Most quality lawn fertilizers offer a balance of fast and controlled release sources to offer a fertilizer that will provide some quick color and some long-lasting nitrogen.

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A day or two before applying fertilizer, water your lawn thoroughly. After grass dries, apply fertilizer. Then lightly water again. This second watering is vitally important, because it washes fertilizer off grass blades and into soil. You can also time fertilizer application between rainfalls to let rain wash fertilizer into soil. Just be sure you dont fertilize before a downpour, or you may wind up with fertilizer washing away, especially if your lawn slopes. Avoid applying fertilizer during a drought when a lawn has browned or withered from lack of moisture.

How To Fertilize Your Lawn

When considering fertilizers, choose a slow-release variety. This will feed your plants slowly over time instead of the short burst of nutrition that quick release fertilizer provides. Quality slow-release fertilizers will provide proper balanced nutrition over time to develop a healthier plant and root system that combats heat, cold, drought and other stresses. Organic fertilizers, like compost, also add naturally-occurring material to the soil, which is important for air circulation, good water retention and drainage.

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My Take On Organic Fertilizers

Organic fertilizers are becoming more popular with lawn owners because of the idea that they are more environmentally friendly. Quality organic fertilizers will contain meal-based nutrients or some may contain poultry litter. A complete natural organic lawn food will have low NPK numbers, most always below 10. Its best to apply these fertilizers during the warmer growing months, from May through September, depending where you live. Organics help feed your lawn by stimulating microbial activity in your soil, creating a healthier medium in which your grass can grow.

They are safer to use and will not harm your lawn like some conventional fertilizers will, especially during the hot summer months. They work a bit slower, however, so youll need to be patient.

Youll also discover they are much more expensive. All that said, give them a try!

When To Fertilize Warm

WHEN and HOW to FERTILIZE your lawn

The best time to fertilize warm-season grasses is between late-spring to late-summer, when these grasses are growing most vibrantly.

apply any amendments as required by soil test results and/or compost tea.

Last-spring: fertilize in June. If using synthetic fertilizer, start your 4-to-6 week fertilizer schedule. If using compost, use a lighter top-up, if you choose. Warm-season grass will begin growing actively when soil temperatures reach 65F, which is usually around April.

Late-summer: give one final fertilizer in August while the grass is still growing vibrantly to prepare the winter dormancy grass.

If youve overseeded with cool-season grasses, you may need to fertilize once more in November, when they grow more vigorously. If youve given your lawn a good compost feeding, though, this might not be necessary.

And if you have centipede grass, youre in luck! Centipede grass doesnt like extra nitrogen, so you dont have to fertilize.

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How Often Should You Fertilize Your Lawn

Advice widely varies on this, as you may have already seen. The exact answer will depend on the type of fertilizer youre using a slow-release fertilizer will last longer and require fewer applications. However, a typical synthetic fertilizer will be fast-acting, but will require more frequent applications.

Most recommend a minimum of two applications per year if you’re using a slow-release fertilizer, but this is not set in stone some experts recommend up to 4-5 annual treatments. If you’re using a fertilizer which won’t last as long, you may find yourself having to apply it much more regularly to keep up appearances. The right answer for you will ultimately depend on your lawn’s soil levels as well as the fertilizer you choose.

Ian Grant, lawn care expert at National Greenhouse advises: “We would suggest treating your lawn 4 to 5 times a year. Being the end of summer your treatment should contain plenty of iron to keep the grass a deep green colour and this helps the roots grow to make the most of the late summer sun. This late summer treatment is especially useful if your garden receives lots of wear and tear by children or animals.”

Should I Till Fertilizer Into Soil

Tilling helps break up the soil so that water and air can penetrate It also ensures that fertilizer and other amendments are fully incorporated into the soil where plant roots can access them.

Fertilize Before SowingFor these reasons, its necessary to fertilize an area to be seeded before doing anything else Amending soil to make it rich and fertile provides the fecund environment the new seeds need, allowing them access to valuable nutrients while they become established.

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How Often Should I Fertilize My Plants

Soluble fertilizers, for instance, are applied every two weeks during the growing season Granular fertilizers are generally applied about every six to eight weeks Slow-release fertilizers work for months, so one application is generally all that is needed for a growing season.

Early morning is the best time of day to fertilize your lawn Fresh morning dew provides just enough moisture for your grass to absorb the fertilizer.

Fertilize For Your Plants

Fertilizing Made Easy

There is a need for fertilizers because your plants need nutrients to grow and the fertilizer gives just that. After some time, your soil might get low on nutrients and fertilizers can be of use. Fertilizers can give your soil the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, are only a few that your lawn needs. Fertilizing your lawn is absolutely necessary to keep a lawn healthy and lush.

You can do something productive as you study your options. You can look into some of the available brands of fertilizers in your local market. Brands offer respective results that you are supposed to have when choosing them. But generally, they bring the same desired result.

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Dont Waste Your Time Or Money

Applying fertilizer at the correct time is essential for getting the most out of it. This also saves plenty of time and money without blowing it on trial and run errors. Keep in mind, overfeeding is a real thing and can be dangerous for the environment. On top of that it also hinders growth in your lawn, so be careful.

Why Fertilize Your Lawn In Fall The Best Fall Month And Time Of Day To Fertilize

Summer heat is stressful on our lawns. Falls cooler temperatures provide the perfect setting for lawn to regain strength.

Fall is the best and most important time to fertilize your lawn because:

  • Falls morning dew delivers moisture to help turf absorb the fertilizer.
  • The grass has a chance to build stamina before a chilly winter.
  • Supporting root growth in fall leads to a healthier, greener lawn in spring.

While fall is naturally good for feeding our lawn, you can deliver an extra oomph by fertilizing as best as you can, too.

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How To Fertilize Your Lawn In The Fall

Approach your fall fertilizer application just as you would any other. Follow the coverage recommendation for the chosen product. Its always a good idea to split the application in half and then make two passes in different directions. For example: if your fall fertilizer bag says it will cover 5,000 square feet, find the setting on your spreader for 10,000 square feet . This will close the spreader gate allowing only one-half the recommended rate to flow through. Then make two consecutive passes at this spreader setting. This will apply the total recommended amount using two passes instead of one. This ensures even, uniform coverage, reducing the risk of missing parts of your lawn.

After youve finished your fall fertilizer application, make sure you thoroughly wash your spreader. This removes any remaining fertilizer residue that can corrode spreader components over the winter. Refer to your owners manual for additional recommended maintenance before winter storage.

Best Fertilizers To Use

How Often Should your FERTILIZE Your LAWN? Cheap Walmart Expert Fertilizer Versus Quality Fertilizer

The best fertilizers to use are slow release. When you use slow release fertilizers, the grass will get green without growing too quickly. In the spring, mixtures of 20-5-10 are suitable to use. You can also perform a soil pH test before you start the process. Then, you can base the mixture off of your results. For example, if your pH tests come back with high potassium results, you can look for a combination that is lower in that category.

Call 215.799.2016 or fill out the contact form on the bottom of this page. We can answer any of your questions or set up a fertilization plan to keep your lawn healthy and looking great.

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When Should I Fertilize My Lawn In Spring And Fall

As well as knowing how often to apply fertilizer, its also key to know when to apply the fertilizer. To answer this question, it is recommended that you should always follow the instructions found on the label of your chosen fertilizer. However, following the general tips below will help you decide when to fertilize the lawn:

  • Apply when the grass is actively growing.
  • Apply when the soil is damp and the grass is dry.
  • Apply when the grass is frost-free.
  • Dont mow the lawn 3 days before or after applying the fertilizer.

Applying fertilizer outside of the period stated on the instructions as well as the guide above will run the risk of damaging your lawn so it is important to pay attention to this.

Dont apply fertilizers to your lawn during the winter months as the grass is dormant and will not achieve any better results. Applying fertilizer in the winter will increase the chance of polluting waterways by excessive run-off of the nutrients into nearby streams.

Best Time Of Day To Fertilize

The best time to fertilize is also the best time to mow: between 8 to 10 AM or 4 to 6 PM, although this will depend on weather and water factors. Here are a few guidelines to follow:

High heat and fertilizer dont mix, especially with cool-season grasses. Asking cool-season grasses to absorb high amounts of nitrogen while surviving heat or drought will not end well for your lawn.

Wait until the grass dries from morning dew or rain before applying fertilizer. Droplets will weigh grass blades down, preventing fertilizers from evenly reaching the soil.

While you can fertilize before a light rain if youre expecting a big rainstorm, wait. Synthetic fertilizers will wash away before they even have a chance to absorb.

Dont wait too long in the evening to fertilize, as grass needs time to dry out a bit before the cool nighttime temperatures. Wet grass is more susceptible to fungal diseases.

Only fertilize when the grass is growing, not when its gone dormant.

Find out about the ideal time of day for fertilizing plants:

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When To Fertilize Lawn

Knowing when to fertilize your lawn depends on how often you plan to apply it. If you fertilize once a year, do it around Labor Day thats when lawns absorb the most nutrients. For biannual fertilizing, add a second application the middle of October.

There are exceptions to this timeline depending on climate and soil types, so adjust if your lawn is not retaining enough nutrients. In the spring, if you feel the need, spread a little fertilizer to help the greening process.

Best Times To Fertilize A Lawn

Fish Fertiliser Designed for Plants

The right time to fertilize your lawn is influenced by the type of grass you have. Much of the country has either cool-season or warm-season grass, with some areas combining the two types for a more versatile lawn. Its important to identify your grass type and plan your lawn care schedule around its needs. Below is a quick overview of which seasons are best for fertilization based on your lawn type.

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When To Fertilize Your Lawn: Our Best Tips

Lawn fertilizer is like food for your grass, providing it with the nutrients it needs to grow and maintain its healthy, green glow. Each fertilizer uses a unique combination of nutrients, though most include nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These ingredients create a vibrant, green lawn that resists weeds like crabgrass while creating an excellent growing environment.

While its important to fertilize your lawn, dont start throwing down these nutrients at any time of the season. Its important to consider your grass type and the environment you live in before deciding on a time to fertilize. This guide outlines the best time to fertilize your lawn, how often you should do it, and the factors that impact growth.

Do Plants Absorb Fertilizer At Night

The root hairs present on roots are essential for the uptake of nutrients Plants absorb nutrients throughout the day, all day and night and irrespective of whether light is present or absent.

First and foremost, fertilizer is not food for plants Plants make their food using sunlight in a process called photosynthesis Fertilizer is more like a multi-vitamin that encourages new, healthy growth It can also be used to replace essential nutrients our plants potting mix loses as plants grow over time.

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