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How Often To Water Your Lawn

Why Early Morning Watering During Hot

How Much And How Often You Should Water Your Lawn | Smart Irrigation Tips

This time is recommended for several reasons. From dawn until midday, evaporation rate tends to be low, as it is cooler in the surroundings.

Evaporation plays a key role here as often water is lost through this process by escaping to the atmosphere from the surface of leaves.

The wind is also calmer during this time. Hence if you water the grass at this time, chances are that there will be very less wastage of water.

As a result, more water remains on the lawn and can get soaked in the soil, giving the grass roots more chance to absorb the water. Typically, the ideal time ranges from sunrise till 8 a.m.

If you canât water in the morning, then another option is to water your lawn during the late afternoon or evening hours, when the sun is past its peak time.

This is a smart idea as it will be comparatively cooler than midday and give the grass blades enough time to dry off before night comes.

All in all,

  • In the morning, the best recommended time is between sunrise to 8 a.m.
  • The afternoon/evening period can start from 4 to 6 p.m.

How Dry Is Too Dry

Conserving water is a good idea. Golf courses do it. Homeowners should do it, too. But how long can you let your lawn go without?

As with so much else in turf care, it depends. A hardy grass like Bermuda is camel-like in this regard: It can survive long bouts of deprivation. Not so with bentgrass in searing summer heat.

In drought conditions, grass does what it does in colder seasons: It goes dormant as a means of self-protection, redirecting moisture and nutrients to its roots. Its leaves turn color as a result. Dormant grass can be brought back to life just add water.

But dead grass? Well, dead grass is dead.

As with so much else in turf care, the durability of your lawn depends on many factors. But as a general rule, Cutler says, grass starts going dormant after two weeks without water. After a month, its apt to die.

How do you tell if your grass has crossed that line? One faithful indicator is its crown. Thats the thick, light colored part of the plant, just above the soil, right where the roots meet the shoots. Look closely. If theres still green in the crown, theres still life in your grass. If not, you might be out of luck.

Another way to tell is pretty simple, too: tug on the grass, Cutler says. If its roots remain intact, its probably still alive. If it uproots easily, its toast. Youll need to reseed to get it back.

So How Often Should I Water My Lawn

Todays Homeowner has put together this informative guide on how long to water your lawn and how often you should water based on the type of grass you have, your climate and other factors. You can also save yourself a lot of time and energy and ensure your lawn always receives the best care and attention by utilizing a reputable lawn care service such as TruGreen, our top recommended provider for lawn care services.

To receive a free estimate from TruGreen, contact the COMPANY at or fill out the easy form.

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Watering Different Lawn Types

How long to water lawn varieties and how to care for the different types will depend on several factors, including the season, the zone you are in and most importantly the type of grass you are growing. Different lawn types will have different watering and overall care needs, so it is important to pay attention to the type of lawn that is growing. Once you know how much to water a specific lawn type, it is easy to set a schedule that will give thirsty lawns the perfect amount of water all season long.

Warm-Season Grasses Warm-season grasses such as zoysia and bermuda grass grow best when the air temperature is above 80 degrees. They slow down when daytime temperatures start to drop, but they still need moisture to remain healthy. Continue to water them as long as the grass is growing and needs regular mowing. Fall is not the time to fertilize warm-season lawns. Wait until spring, when the active growing season begins.

Cool Season Grasses Cool-season grasses, such as bluegrass, fescue and rye, are actively growing in the fall, recovering from summer dormancy. Cool fall temperatures keep evaporation rates low, but these grasses still need an inch to an inch and a half of water every week until frost ends the growing season. Cool-season grasses are also typically fertilized in the fall, and watering after fertilizing is important to wash the fertilizer off the blades of grass and down into the soil.

Prepare For A Drought

How Often Should I Water My Lawn With Sprinkler System

Management practices in the fall and spring determine the drought tolerance of the lawn in summer. To reduce the need for irrigation, your lawn management program should maximize root volume and depth in preparation for summer drought. By the time summer arrives, you can do little to help a lawn except mow and irrigate properly.

The following lawn-care tips will help reduce the need for irrigation and increase the chance of surviving summer drought.

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How Long Should You Water Your Lawn

In most cases, watering your lawn once or twice a week with one to 1.5 inches of water each time will be sufficient for healthy lawn growth. The exact amount of time in minutes you should water your lawn will depend on the output of your sprinkler system.

You can determine the amount of water your sprinkler puts out per hour with a couple of different methods. The first method requires placing a handful of same-sized containers throughout a section of your lawn and running your sprinkler system for 15 minutes. Measure the water depth in each container with a ruler and find the average amount in inches. Next, multiply the amount by four to find the average amount of water your sprinkler puts out every hour.

Alternatively, you can add a flow timer to some sprinkler systems to track the flow. Then, use the historical flow data to learn how much water your lawn receives and adjust your settings accordingly.

Ready To Get Your Best Lawn Contact Us Today

Green Bee has been helping residents in Houston, Texas get their perfect lawn with our specially crafted lawn care program for over 10 years. All of our high-quality services are delivered through superior customer service and satisfaction.

*Limited time offer. Not valid with any other offers. Must buy full lawn care program. New customers only. Valid for lawns 10,000 sq ft. or less.

Call Green Bee Lawn Care at or request a quote online.

Green Bee provides reliable lawn care services to Houston, Cinco Ranch, Cypress, Humble, Richmond, Spring, Sugar Land, The Woodlands, Tomball, Kingwood, Katy, Jersey Village and many more in the suburban Houston area! View our service area.

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When To Water Your Lawn

As youve probably heard, watering early is the way to go. Cutler recommends the window between 5 a.m and 10 a.m., and for a couple of reasons. Not only do you want to beat the heat of day, when too much H2O gets lost to evaporation, you also want to get the job done before the wind kicks up and messes with your sprinkler patterns, making it tough to water evenly. Breezy conditions = inefficiency.

Golf courses sometimes water in the dead of night, but thats out of necessity, Cutler says , and he doesnt recommend it. When you water after dark, you open the door to fungus and mildew, which creep in when moisture sits for too long on the grass.

When you water after dark, you open the door to fungus and mildew


The perils of these problems are especially pronounced right after mowing, when turf is in a bruised and vulnerable state . So, when you cut your turf, allow it time to recover before you water . And, of course, if you mowed that afternoon, its an especially bad idea to water that night.

When Is The Best Time To Water Grass In Hot Weather

How Often Should You Water Your Lawn?

last updated on By William Aguinaldo

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Having a lawn brings with it a good amount of responsibility. If not taken care of properly, your house could have a bad and messy outlook. Especially in summer, it is essential to have proper watering during hot days.

In this article, we will provide some tried and experimented lawn watering tips that might come in handy.

Many factors contribute to the proper growth of grass. Among them water is one of the most significant ones. However, it is one of the challenging ones too.

During hot weather, it is crucial to maintain a balance between âtoo muchâ and âtoo lessâ.

Finding this balance is a tricky business and since this balance differs from weather to weather, it simply adds more to the plate.

This article will solely focus on the proper watering of grass during the hot weather. In such times, extra watering is required when the grass is comparatively drier, and the soil tends to absorb more water than usual.

Practically, the best time to water grass in hot weather is when the temperature is low. This is normally in the early morning, when the sun has started to rise. At such times, you can see dew drops on the grass blades.

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Is It Better To Water Longer Or More Often

Most people think more water is better, but its not. The shallow root system that cant support the grass can be caused by too frequent or light watering. The roots are encouraged to grow deeper by the deep watering of the soil.

You can also get a lot of fungal growth. If you dont water enough, it can be very difficult to get rid of the fungus.

How Can You Tell If Youve Watered Your Lawn Enough

The average lawn needs at least 1 inch of water to 1.5 inches of water per week. This should be continued throughout the year. Even lawns in winter need water as you cant always guarantee that the rainy weather will give them enough.

To be able to figure out if it has enough water, you should get a rain gauge. This will show you just how much water the grass is getting. If using a sprinkler system, make sure that the water from the sprinkler is going into the rain gauge. This will allow you to measure the amount of water that the grass is getting.

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How Long Should I Water My Lawn

The Spruce / Steven Merkel

Learning how long to water your lawn is important for several reasons. Too much or too little water can result in a less than ideal appearance with dead or dried patches that invite weeds. Overwatering can also raise your water bill significantly so it pays off to have a fairly close idea of how much water your lawn requires to maintain green, good health. There are several factors to consider which include your soil and your specific growing zone.

Why Is Watering Important For Your Garden

Watering New Grass Seed: How Often and How Much Water

This particular section might sound like a middle school science class.

However, it has been a long time and it is important to keep your memory refreshed.

Water moves minerals throughout the plant body, cools them down during the hot days, and provides structural support.

Consider the plant cells as water balloons.

When they are filled with water, they become stiff and your plants will stand upright.

However, where there is no water, the cells start deflating and the plant gets wilted.

This is one of the surest signs that your plant requires water.

While plants do produce cellulose to keep its shape, it is actually the water pressure that helps the plants retain their shape better.

An invisible process known as transpiration takes place when you water your plans.

As we know, water from the leaves is evaporated by the sun, which causes water loss.

This is a good sign because water goes to the place where it is required the most.

Ideally, water in the soil is pulled up by the roots.

However, if the roots are dry, water starts evaporating from the leaves.

As a result, the plants become deflated, which is a clear indication that the plant requires water.

Watch this video to get a better idea.

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About Green Bee Lawn Care

Green Bee Lawn Care is your reliable, family-owned Houston Lawn Care Company. We offer professional lawn care services to customers in the Houston, Texas and surrounding areas. We pride ourselves on providing a one-stop shop for all of your lawn care needs including, weed control, lawn fertilization, aeration, seeding, fire ant control, tree & shrub care, mosquito spraying, and more.

Love lawns as much as we do? Browse our lawn care blog for more helpful lawn tips and information.

How Often And How Much To Water Your Lawn

How you water is one of the most important factors affecting your lawns health. It might be tempting to error on the side of overwatering, but that only leaves your lawn vulnerable to disease, fungus, and soil compaction, and leads to a weak root system.

There are no hard-and-fast rules to lawn watering, but understanding your grass type, soil type, and climate will help you find the schedule that works best for your lawn.

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How Often And Best Time To Water Lawn In Hot Summer

Do you think that watering your lawn/garden is a no-brainer? If your answer is yes, then you need to think again! If you water your plants for too long, it is an open invitation to fungus.

On the other hand, watering them less will cause the roots to become shallow.

If you water your plants in the evening, it is a free feast for insects.

If the water content is too high, half of the moisture is lost due to evaporation.

No matter how green your thumb is, you likely know that plants require water to reach their full potential it is just basic science that was taught to us in middle school.

However, it is also important to know that incorrect watering techniques can put your plants at risk for insect infestation and diseases, or might even kill them.

In some countries, poor watering habits are actually a crime, because the drought conditions in these nations have led to restrictions imposed by the government.

And it should be since water is a precious resource, whether you are a novice or professional gardener.

Whether you want to water the blooming perennials in your backyard or a simple houseplant, you need to know how often and best time to water lawn in hot summer weather.

You need to pay attention to the good and bad practices of watering plants and you will reap healthy specimens.

Before diving into how often to water lawn in summer, we need to understand some other aspects.

Read more:

Setting Up A Watering Schedule

How Often Should You Water Your Grass-The Key To A Fuller Lawn

While plants do not reject water, the timing is very important.

One of the biggest mistakes of watering your garden/lawn is setting up a watering schedule.

Sticking to an exact schedule may be harmful to your plants.

Only water the plants when you feel the soil is dried out by two-inches.

You can make use of your fingers to determine the soil moisture levels.

You also need to mind the season when you water the plants.

As mentioned above, summertime is when your plants will require the most amount of water, and vice versa during the winter season.

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Should I Water My Lawn After It Rains

Grass cant survive much longer than 4 days once it is underwater. Heavy rains can cause your grass to be flooded. It can cause erosion of the soil. Its important to take care of your lawn after the rain so you dont end up with a flooded lawn. If you have a lawn that is in need of mowing, you should check with your local city or county government to see if they require a permit to mow lawns.

If they do, then you will need to apply for the permit and pay a fee. The fee will be based on the size of the lawn and the length of time it will take the mower to cut the grass. This fee is not included in the cost of lawn maintenance, but it does help cover the costs associated with lawn care.

How Long Should You Run Your Sprinklers

The sprinklers should be on for about 30 to 35 minutes at a time twice a week. Your goal is to get at least one weeks worth of water for your lawn. When its hot and dry, double the water times while still trying to water just 2 or 3 times a day.

If you dont have a sprinkler system in your yard, you can use a drip irrigation system. This is a system that uses water from a garden hose or a rain barrel to irrigate your plants. Its a great way to get the most out of your landscaping.

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When The Grass Is Growing

The growing season for most grass types is generally during the spring and fall months. These months are part of the warm season without being too hot, and the morning dew still appears on the lawn at times. This is when your type of grass will thrive, and it needs the most care and attention.

If you are planting grass seed, the best time to do this would be in spring. This will give the seeds time to start growing before the hot summer heat kicks in.


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